Homeseer speaker client listen mode not working
Homeseer speaker client listen mode not working

Quote of the day:I love going to coffee shops and just sitting and listening. # Server replies with a quote upon receiving a client connection # - Example Python program to connect to a Quote of the Day server. 15:30:23.094655 Just served: I love going to coffee shops and just sitting and listening - Julie Roberts, to client with IP address and port: ('', 51244) 15:30:10.179610 Just served: Ah! happy years! once more who would not be a boy - Byron: Child Harold, to client with IP address and port: ('', 51243) Print("%s Just served: %s, to client with IP address and port: %s"%(timeVal, quoteOfTheDay, clientIP)) QuoteOfTheDay = "%s - %s"%(quotes,quotes) (socketForClient, clientIP) = qotdServerSocket.accept() Print("Quote of the day requests welcome:") Active, reflective listening: This is the type of listening model that you want to use. We may agree with what is being said, but we are doing so in a passive manner, rather than in a reflective one. QotdServerSocket.bind(("", qotdPortNumber)) At this point, we are not yet at the point of responding and being involved, but we understand the points that the speaker is trying to make. ("Ah! happy years! once more who would not be a boy","Byron: Child Harold")] ("Nothing is worth more than this day", "Goethe"), ("For knowledge itself is Power", "Francis Bacon"), Quotes = [ ("I love going to coffee shops and just sitting and listening.", "Julie Roberts"), # - A Python program implementing a Quote of the Day server . Once 'backlog' number of connections is in the socket's queue, the kernel will reject incoming connections to the socket. This denotes maximum number of connections that can be queued for this socket by the operating system. The listen() function accepts a queue size through the parameter backlog.The listen() method should be called before calling the accept( ) method on the server socket.Calling listen() makes a socket ready for accepting connections.

Homeseer speaker client listen mode not working